How to make Fennel Seeds Water/ Tea – Benefits of Fennel Seeds for Weight Loss & Health

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Have you ever tried fennel seeds (also known as saunf) to improve the condition of your skin and overall health? These tiny pale green seeds are highly popular as a mouth freshener and is a powerhouse for boosting metabolism which can make your weight loss goal much easier to achieve. Apart from having cooling effect on the body, fennel seeds may also help you beat indigestion, solve gastric issues and has detoxifying properties. Here, we tell you why and how to use the super herb, fennel seeds for weight loss and other health benefits.

2 Methods to prepare fennel seeds water for Weight Loss:

  • 1. Soaking Fennel Seeds overnight
  • 2. Boiling Fennel Seeds

1. Soaking Fennel Seeds overnight:

  • Fill a large mason jar with 1 liter (32 fl. Oz.) of distilled water. Add 2 tablespoons of Fennel seeds and close the jar with a lid.
  • Let the seeds soak overnight. Next morning you will notice the seeds becoming soft and will swell up.
  • Strain it and drink 4 cups of water throughout the day. You can chew the seeds too.
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2. Boiling Fennel Seeds:

  • Simply boil 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds in 1 liter of water for 5-10 minutes.
  • Let it brew for some time, until the water has taken up all the goodness and the color of fennel seeds.
  • Turn off the heat, let it cool down and strain the water. Drink at least 4 cups of fennel water daily.

Benefits of Drinking Fennel Seeds Water for Weight Loss:

1. Boost metabolism:

Fennel seeds infused water helps in boosting your body’s metabolic activity which keeps your system running throughout. It also boosts your energy levels and increases your immunity which aids in speedy weight loss.

2. Suppress appetite and hunger:

Fennel seeds are loaded with dietary fiber which keeps you fuller for longer time and prevents you from overeating. This appetite suppressing properties of fennel seeds makes you less hungry and therefore you consume fewer calories.

3. Reduce water retention:

Water retention occurs when excess fluids build up inside your body and makes your stomach and other body parts look bloated. Thanks to its diuretic properties, fennel seeds water help flush out these excess fluids, removes harmful toxins and reduces the risk of urinary tract problems. Hence your body appears less bloated.

4. Aids digestion, reduce gas & bloating:

Chewing few fennel seeds or drinking fennel seeds water can help you beat the problem of indigestion, gastric issues and bloating.

5. Natural Detoxifier:

Fennel seeds water detoxifies the body for a better performance of digestive enzymes by cleansing out our entire gastrointestinal tract. It ensures efficient release of wastes and proper functioning digestive system and metabolism. As a result, our body becomes toxin free, leading to weight loss.

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6. Purify the blood:

The fibers in fennel seeds helps flush out toxins, wastes and excess fluids from the body, thus helping to cleanse the blood.

7. Regulate blood pressure:

Fennel seeds are rich source of potassium which is an essential component of cells and body fluids. Hence it helps control heart rate and regulates blood pressure.

8. Regulates body heat:

Fennel seeds has great body cooling properties and can bring sown body heat instantly. Fennel water can be a great summer drink to keep body heat under control.

9. Prevent acne:

The anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties in fennel seeds helps to cleanse your skin, thus imparting a healthy glow. It keeps the skin issues like pimples, acne and breakouts at bay.

10. Anti-Aging Benefits:

Fennel seeds stimulates the collagen production, fights against free radical damage and maintain the elasticity of skin. Hence your skin looks younger and remains wrinkle free.


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