Homemade Nougat Recipe

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Homemade Nougat Recipe

Table of Contents



    • 500 g (3 cups) peanuts
    • 50 g (1/4 cup) black sesame seeds
    • 10 g (2 tsp) white sesame seeds


    • 2 pieces dried mango, chopped
    • 1 handful dried cranberries
    • 30 g (2 tbsp) butter (or substitute with a small amount of corn oil)


  • 200 g (7 oz) marshmallows
  • 100 g (1 cup) milk powder



    1. Prepare the Ingredients:
        • Wash the peanuts thoroughly, scrubbing gently, then drain and set aside.
        • Wash the black and white sesame seeds together, drain using a colander, and set aside.
        • Chop the dried mango into small pieces and mix with dried cranberries.


    2. Roast the Nuts and Seeds:
        • Heat a dry pan over medium heat. Add peanuts and stir-fry on high heat until moisture evaporates, then reduce to low heat and fry until slightly golden and crackling. Remove from heat and cool.
        • Roast the sesame seeds in the same pan. Stir constantly on high heat, then reduce to low heat until the seeds are aromatic and slightly yellow. Cool on a plate.


    3. Peel the Peanuts:
      • Once cooled, rub the peanuts between your hands to remove the skins. Use a colander to sift out the skins.


    1. Melt the Marshmallow Base:
        • Heat a large non-stick pan over low heat. Add butter and stir until fully melted.
        • Add marshmallows to the melted butter and stir continuously until completely melted and thick.
        • Add milk powder and mix well until smooth.


    2. Combine the Ingredients:
      • Turn off the heat. Stir in the roasted peanuts, sesame seeds, dried mango, and cranberries. Mix thoroughly to ensure even distribution.
» MORE:  Vegan Mango Gelato


    1. Shape the Nougat:
      • Transfer the mixture onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Use gloved hands to knead and shape into a rectangle about 1-2 cm thick.
      • Cover with another piece of parchment paper and use a rolling pin to press the nougat evenly.


    1. Cool and Cut:
      • Let the nougat cool at room temperature or refrigerate for 30 minutes until firm.
      • Dust with milk powder to prevent sticking, then cut into wide strips (4-5 cm) and further into bite-sized pieces (1-2 cm).


  1. Serve:
    • Arrange on a plate and enjoy the chewy, nutty nougat!

Serving Suggestions


  • Serve as an afternoon snack with tea or coffee.
  • Wrap individual pieces in parchment paper for gifts or treats.

Cooking Tips


  • Stir the marshmallows continuously over low heat to avoid burning.
  • Ensure the peanuts and sesame seeds are completely cool before mixing to prevent melting the marshmallow base.
  • For extra flavor, add a pinch of salt or cinnamon to the mixture.


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