Fresh Cucumber Lemonade

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1f9522 large cucumbers, peeled and chopped
1f34b1 cup fresh lemon juice (about 4-5 lemons)
1f36f1/2 cup honey or sugar (adjust to taste)
1f4a74 cups cold water
1f9caIce cubes
✅Lemon slices and cucumber rounds for garnish

1)In a blender, puree the cucumbers until smooth.
2)Strain the cucumber puree through a fine mesh sieve into a pitcher.
3)Add the fresh lemon juice and honey (or sugar) to the pitcher, stirring until well combined.
4)Pour in the cold water and mix well.
5)Serve over ice cubes and garnish with lemon slices and cucumber rounds.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy your homemade cucumber lemonade!

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