Fantastic Ferrero Rocher cake, you only need 1 cake base and 1L of cream

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  • 1 cake base (Viennese sponge cake, light, high, 3-part)
  • 5 cups of cream (1 L)
  • 2 packs of confectionery (Ferrero Rocher)


  1. First put 6 of the Rocher aside for decoration.
  2. Now put the remaining Rocher in a bowl and chop them up. Then whip 3 cups of cream until stiff and mix with the Rocher mixture.
  3. Now divide the Rocher cream mix into three portions and distribute each over the three cake bases. Spread the top layer with it. Then put the layers together.
  4. Now whip the last cup of cream until stiff and spread it on the edge, leaving some for decoration.
  5. Next, halve the 6 Rocher that you set aside and spread them on top of the edge of the cake (this makes 12 pieces of cake). Decorate with the remaining cream as required.
    Refrigerate until ready to eat. Enjoy your meal
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