Vibrant Mango Smoothie Bowl

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1f4dd Ingredients
1f96d Smoothie Base:

2 cups frozen mango chunks 1f96d
1 medium frozen banana 1f34c
1 teaspoon honey 1f36f
1/3 cup milk or orange juice (or a blend of both) 1f95b1f34a
1f353 Toppings:

Banana slices 1f34c
Fresh berries 1f353
Nuts 1f330
Shredded coconut 1f965
‍ Instructions
Blend it Up: Add all the base ingredients (mango, banana, honey, and liquid) into a high-powered blender or food processor. Pulse to break up the frozen chunks, then blend until you achieve a smooth, thick consistency. If needed, add a bit more liquid to help it blend.

Assemble: Pour the smooth mixture into small bowls. Top with your preferred combination of banana slices, fresh berries, nuts, and shredded coconut.

Enjoy: Grab a spoon and savor your delicious and nutritious mango smoothie bowl! 1f944

» MORE:  Ginger Water:


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