Simply delicious and prepared in a few minutes, snow flurry in a few minutes

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Fancy a sweet surprise that’s ready faster than you can say “snowstorm”? With this quick recipe, you can treat yourself and your guests to a creamy, fruity dessert that’s guaranteed to delight. In just a few steps, you can transform quark, cream and chocolate into an irresistible treat. Perfect for spontaneous occasions or when your sweet tooth awakens!


220 g mascarpone

450 g quark (low-fat quark)

220 g cream

½ pack of raspberries (frozen)

1 bar of white chocolate

100 g sugar

2 packs of meringue, small


Pour the meringue into a bowl and crush it

It’s that easy First, put the sugar and cream in a bowl and beat until semi-stiff.

Then add the quark and mascarpone

Now grate the bar of chocolate (put it in the freezer before grating, then it won’t break and will be finer).

Fold in the grated chocolate.
Then add the frozen raspberries about 1 hour before serving. This makes the dish really fresh and cool. Done!
Enjoy your meal!

» MORE:  Spring roll recipe 


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