Orange Mousse

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Ingredients to prepare Orange Mousse
5 oranges
Zest of half a lemon
Zest of one orange
6 eggs
A tablespoon of butter
5 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons of water
A tablespoon of cornstarch
How to prepare Orange Mousse
To enjoy a delicious orange mousse, the first thing we must do is squeeze the juice from the oranges. We mix it with the cornstarch, the orange zest and the sugar.

Next, we dilute three egg yolks in 3 tablespoons of water until they are dissolved.

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Add the mixture of egg yolks and water to the previous mixture and put everything in a saucepan over a very low heat, stirring carefully from time to time.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the butter. Separately, beat the egg whites until stiff and add them to the mixture, mixing everything with circular movements. And now we have our mousse. Delicious!

» MORE:  Not the most enthusiastic cook here, but we’ve been whipping up this dish for quite some time and it’s always a fave!


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