The air fryer makes delicious, oil-free, quick, and simple french fries! Any variety of potato will work. There is an oven option in the recipe. This recipe is vegan, gluten-free, whole food plant-based, and oil-free.

For many of us, fries are the ultimate food. When I was younger, I was obsessed with fast food until I discovered that many of the foods had more than ten ingredients and that scientists were frequently responsible for creating the flavor and texture I was finding so irresistible. They were no longer so attractive. It may surprise you to learn that some of them contain dairy and “beef flavoring” while being labeled as vegan.

apparatus for air fryer

  • If you choose to bake it in an oven, double the cooking time and make sure it’s done.
  • A mandoline or a chef’s knife and cutting board


  1. One pound of russet, red, yellow, purple, and sweet potatoes;
  2. add salt and pepper to taste.


  • Scrubbing the potato(es) if necessary, wash and dry them.
  • With a chef’s knife and a mandoline or cutting board, cut the potato into long pieces by slicing it into slices that are less than ½ inch thick.
  • Next, cut the potato into long pieces that are no wider than half an inch.
  • Arrange the strips so they are near to one another but not touching on an air fryer tray. I find that lining mine with a silicone pad doesn’t cause the food to cook any longer. Arrange the strips in the tray. When utilizing Now sprinkle on the salt to provide a good adhesion.
  • Air fried for eighteen minutes at 400 degrees. A midway rotation will provide more uniform frying. Fry until the fries are brown, adding one or two more minutes if necessary. Cooking time should be doubled if using a regular oven.
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