Iron-Boosting Fruit Punch Recipe

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For the Punch:

1f34a 2 cups orange juice (freshly squeezed or store-bought, rich in vitamin C to boost iron absorption)

1f353 1 cup pomegranate juice (high in iron and antioxidants)

1f352 1 cup prune juice (great source of iron)

1f353 1 cup strawberry puree (blend fresh or frozen strawberries)

1f34b 1/4 cup lemon juice (freshly squeezed, for a zesty kick)

1f36f 2-3 tbsp honey or maple syrup (optional, for sweetness)

1f9ca 2 cups cold water or sparkling water (for a fizzy twist)

For Garnish:

1f353 Fresh strawberries, sliced

1f34a Orange slices

1f352 Pomegranate seeds

1f33f Fresh mint leaves

Prepare the Strawberry Puree:

1f353 Blend 1 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries until smooth. Strain if you prefer a seedless puree.

Mix the Punch:

1f963 In a large pitcher, combine the orange juice, pomegranate juice, prune juice, strawberry puree, and lemon juice.

1f36f Add honey or maple syrup to taste, if desired.

1f9ca Stir in cold water or sparkling water for a refreshing finish.


1f9ca Refrigerate the punch for at least 1 hour to let the flavors meld and chill thoroughly.


1f379 Pour the punch into glasses over ice.

1f353 Garnish with fresh strawberry slices, orange slices, pomegranate seeds, and mint leaves.

1f34a Use fresh, high-quality juices for the best flavor and nutritional benefits.

1f9ca Add a splash of sparkling water just before serving for a bubbly twist.

1f36f Adjust the sweetness to your preference by adding more or less honey/maple syrup.

Why It’s Iron-Boosting:
1f352 Prune juice and pomegranate juice are excellent sources of iron.

1f34a Orange juice and lemon juice are rich in vitamin C, which helps enhance iron absorption.

1f353 Strawberries also contain a small amount of iron and add a delicious flavor.

Enjoy your Iron-Boosting Fruit Punch! It’s a tasty and healthy way to support your iron intake. Cheers to good health! 1f9421f379✨

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