Creamy Soursop Delight Recipe

– 4 cups (32 oz) soursop pulp, seeds removed
– 1 3/4 cups (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
– 1 cup (8 oz) whipped cream
– 1 tsp mixed essence or vanilla essence

1. Prepare the Pulp:
– If your soursop pulp has seeds, remove them. Blend the pulp until smooth.

2. Mix the Ingredients:
– In a large bowl, combine the pureed soursop pulp and sweetened condensed milk. Mix well.

3. Add Whipped Cream:
– Gently fold in the whipped cream until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

4. Flavor It Up:
– Add bitters (if using) and vanilla or mixed essence. Taste and adjust the flavor as needed.

For an Ice Cream Machine:
5. Churn the Mixture:
– Pour the mixture into your ice cream machine and follow the manufacturer’s instructions until desired consistency is reached.

Without an Ice Cream Machine:
6. Initial Freeze:
– Place the mixture in a freezer-safe container or cover a bowl with plastic wrap. Freeze for about 30 minutes until very cold but not fully frozen.

7. Beat the Mixture:
– Remove from the freezer and beat for a few seconds using a hand mixer or blender to break up any ice crystals.

8. Final Freeze:
– Spoon the mixture into a sealed container or serving cups. Freeze until firm, about 4-6 hours.

Enjoy your delicious homemade soursop ice cream!
Prep Time: 15 minutes + freezing time
Servings: 6-8

» MORE:  We opted for homemade instead of ordering takeout, and it was a hit! Replicate this delightful dish./

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