Coffee ice cream

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Coffee ice cream

With recipe
Making coffee ice cream with the ice cream maker is so easy.  With our recipe it tastes like it comes from the ice cream parlor.  If you like coffee, you’ll love this ice cream!

INGREDIENTS (For 6 servings)

250 ml milk
250 g cream
4 tsp instant coffee
4 egg yolks (size M)
70 g sugar
1 pinch of salt


1st step
Bring the milk and cream to the boil in a saucepan on a medium heat, then stir in the instant coffee. Allow the liquid to cool for about 1 hour.

2nd step
Beat the egg yolks with sugar and salt in a metal bowl over a water bath until the sugar and salt have dissolved. Add the coffee mixture to the egg yolk mixture and heat everything to 80 degrees on the water bath while stirring.  Freeze the liquid mixture for about 1 hour.

Step 3
Then freeze in the ice cream maker for 30 minutes until creamy. Place the coffee ice cream in a sealable container in the freezer for a few hours (preferably overnight). The creamy coffee ice cream will keep for 2 weeks when frozen.

Step 4
Our tip
No instant coffee?
You can also boil the milk and cream mixture with 3 tablespoons of crushed coffee beans and leave it to steep overnight. This gives the ice cream an intense coffee aroma, but it will be lighter.

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